Thursday, November 29, 2012


Reveal Techniques and Autodesk University in Las Vegas

Reveal Animation Techniques in 3ds Max.

Once again Louis Marcoux offers a series of elegant tutorials as videos.  These  are from a class he gave at Autodesk University in 2007 using 3ds Max 2008.   The class was about animation techniques to reveal models over time. Various techniques were covered with examples in the class. This gives a good idea of the type of classes offered at Autodesk University, which took place this week in Las Vegas.  These tutorials can be found at

Reveal with Masks

In this video, you'll see how to use materials and animated gradient masks to make object draw themselves on the screen.

Reveal with Pro-Booleans

Here, you'll see how to use Pro-Booleans to animate subtractions on objects to make them appear on screen. With Pro-Booleans, UV Maps and materials are preserved on cut surfaces which allows very interesting cut effects as the objects reveal.

Reveal with Loft Objects

Loft objects have deformations curves that can be animated. In this video, you'll see how to animate the loft curves to make them draw progressively on the screen.

Reveal with Reactor and Time Distortion

In this video, you'll see how to cut an object in fragments, simulate their breaking in Reactor and reverse the animation to make the objects construct themselves for their debris.  Note:  In 3ds Max 2012, we have Mass f/x (using nVidia's PhysX physics engine) which replaces the Reactor toolset

Reveal with Pflow

See how particles can attach themselves to objects when they find them. If the particles are flying around and then stick to hidden object, the objects start to appear. By mixing visibility with particles, you can create very cool effects of object appearing from flying dust.

Reveal with Max Script - Parts 1-6 : Offset, Rotation, Animation, Visibility, UI, and Ordering Objects in Arrays,

First part of a series of script techniques that will end with animated objects all falling into their final position with a simple button click. This first video covers the basics of moving objects with Max Script.  The second video on scripting techniques covers local rotation with Max Script.  The third video on scripting techniques covers the basics of animation keyframing with Max Script.  The fourth video on scripting techniques shows how to animate visibility with Max Script.  The fifth video on scripting techniques shows how to build an interface for the animation tool that we have developed in the previous videos.  The sixth 2-part video shows how to reorder elements in an array based on certain conditions. It will be helpful to animate blocks of objects based on their relative position.

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