Sunday, February 24, 2013


State Sets in 3ds Max 2013

State Sets is a output module in 3ds Max 2013 for rendering out separate passes and organizing them for use in compositing software.  Because Adobe After Effects (AE) is the most popular compositor at the moment, 3ds Max 2013 ships with an AE plugin that translates the State Sets queue into an AE Composition where each State Set appears as its own layer.  Further, it establishes a live link with AE so changes in either application updates the other.  When you open the dialog (Render/State Sets), it contains a single State Set embodying the entire scene.  You then "record" changes into a new state set.  i.e. you might make separate State Sets for different Render Elements (each of which might use different renderers), other sets to isolate objects to their own passes, etc.  While the concept is not difficult, the interface and implementation can be confusing.  Autodesk has a series of 8 tutorials (as well as a workaround for network rendering in 3ds Max 2013), the first of which is  below:

Autodesk initially released a short but comprehensive overview for the beta in 3ds Max 2012.  Below are screen shots of what you would see in Max and in AE.

Here is the beta video:

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