Friday, September 13, 2013
3-Sweep: Extracting Editable Objects from a Single Photo, SIGGRAPH ASIA
Photogrammetry is maturing so quickly that we can wonder when it will replace 3D scanning technolgy altogether. Here's the next step.
Saturday, September 07, 2013
FOR COM MMST STUDENTS: New MMST 210 Lab Added - enroll by Sept. 18.
ASSISTED LAB SECTIONS: MMST 210, meets Wednesdays or
Fridays (3:40 - 5:30p, Bldg 27, Rm 129). (Actual times may vary to
accommodate student schedules).
For both CURRENT and
FORMER multimedia students (i.e. you may work on a project
with instructor assistance even if you are not presently enrolled
in the class.)
ACT QUICKLY TO ENROLL: Maximum enrollment is 10
students in each of two ½ unit lab sessions. Deadline is September 13
& 18, 2013 (for the Friday and Wednesday sections)
questions, contact Jeffrey Abouaf at
Catalog Descriptions:
210: Advanced Project 0.5
lab hrs/wk. Repeat: 1. No prerequisite.
course provides the opportunity to design and implement group or
individual creative projects containing graphics, animation,
audio, video, or authoring components, and a forum for exploring
and testing potential project ideas, from concept to final
product. Intended for
students who are ready to plan, design and implement independent
advanced multimedia projects such as DVDs, Animations, Games,
Designs, Web sites and more. Group or individual lab activities
involve taking a project idea through the stages of design,
preproduction, prototyping, production, testing, and delivery.
Retopo Workflow between Autodesk Catch123D, 3ds Max and Mudbox
We're seeing a major initiative to bring 3D scans into our applications for clean up, retopology, and redeployment in virtual scenarios, i.e. games, simulations, or VFX. Specifically, this means converting a hi-res triangulated mesh into a reduced quad-poly version that retains the detail of the original -- and to do this in a tight time frame. Autodesk 123D Catch lets you use any camera (phone to DSLR) to capture a series of images of the object from different viewpoints. It then uses photogrammetry (the practice of determining the geometric properties of objects from photographic images) to generate a hi-res mesh from these bitmaps with texture maps synthesized from the photos. This video takes you the next step -- how to use 3ds max and Mudbox to make this mesh usable in 3D applications. It's surprisingly easy.
XRayCAT Survival Toolkit 1.5
Xray CAT Survival Toolkit 1.5 is a set of tools for 3ds Max users who use the built-in CAT system. I find the Rig Creation, Layer Manager, Pose Manager and Joystick Creator to be welcome additions.