Saturday, September 07, 2013
Retopo Workflow between Autodesk Catch123D, 3ds Max and Mudbox
We're seeing a major initiative to bring 3D scans into our applications for clean up, retopology, and redeployment in virtual scenarios, i.e. games, simulations, or VFX. Specifically, this means converting a hi-res triangulated mesh into a reduced quad-poly version that retains the detail of the original -- and to do this in a tight time frame. Autodesk 123D Catch lets you use any camera (phone to DSLR) to capture a series of images of the object from different viewpoints. It then uses photogrammetry (the practice of determining the geometric properties of objects from photographic images) to generate a hi-res mesh from these bitmaps with texture maps synthesized from the photos. This video takes you the next step -- how to use 3ds max and Mudbox to make this mesh usable in 3D applications. It's surprisingly easy.